My Project

UCLA IEEE Micromouse

  • Designed circuit schematics and PCB for autonomous maze-solving robot using Autodesk EAGLE
  • Developed custom twin-PID-loop error adjustment algorithm to enable a 60% increase in speed without loss of precision
  • Build a maze-solving robot from scratch.
  • Program complex microcontrollers.
  • Path Following Car

  • Utilized the TI Robotics System Learning Kit to implement PID controls on a robotic car achieving 18.3 seconds on a 3.4 meters track.
  • Developed code utilizing real-time phototransistor data to send updated movements to the car as a closed-loop feedback system.
  • ECG Design

  • Work in teams to design, construct, and test circuit boards capable of measuring human electrocardiograms by capturing data with microcontroller, with computer analysis and display.
  • Use concepts and techniques in electrical circuit design and analysis, cardiac electrophysiology, biophysics, microcontrollers, and computer programming.
  • Solar Powered Vehicle

  • Power system optimization with circuit analysis of the embedded circuit components (Passive circuit components).
  • PCB Design and Solar Panel Application.
  • Signal Processing for control system implementation
  • Power factor Correction